I completed this quilt over the weekend, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. I started this quilt as a secondary project, thinking I could just piece a few hexagons every so often. Needless to say, the task was much longer term than I anticipated. First, making all those hexagons - cutting out the paper templates, tacking on the fabric. Piecing the 'flowers' by hand was quite pleasant, but then I still had a mountain of pathway hexagons to make. Then came the enormous job of joining all the flowers and pathway pieces. I did that part in rows, making the quilt in two halves and then joining the halves together, as the two sections were by now quite unweildy. It was a relief when I could start taking out the paper templates. I trimmed the edges and attached the border by machine, then began hand quilting around each flower. The border took longer than anticipated too, but I was determined to finish the quilt over the Christmas break. Sitting under a quilting frame in Auckland's heat and humidity was no picnic, but I pressed on (listening to Rebecca, read by Anna Massey on my iPod). Then trimming the borders, making the binding and stitching it on and it was done. Phew!